Buy and Send Gift Vouchers

You've selected Treat Your Sweetheart voucher to the value of R250.00. Last step and you're done!

Your Info

Personalise Your Gift
Leave the signature out (or your name in signature) if you want to be anonymous
Payment Method
Card Details
We currently accept Visa and MasterCard Credit and Cheque Cards
EFT Details


  • Press the "Place Order" button
  • Make a secure payment of R250 using Ozow instant EFT. The details for paying will be given as soon as you place the order, and on the invoice.
  • Payment clears immediately (no delay to your order)
SnapScan Details


  • Press the "Place Order" button
  • Make a secure payment of R250 using SnapScan. The details for paying will be given as soon as you place the order, and on the invoice.
  • Payment clears immediately (no delay to your order)

Please ensure that all the information above is correct before placing the order.

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