Everything There Is to Know about International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global celebration recognising the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It’s a day that also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and raising awareness about women’s equality.

But what is the history behind this significant day? Why is it celebrated? And how can we honour this day beyond the usual gestures? In this blog post, we delve into these questions and also shine a light on the often-overlooked contributions of female domestic workers in South Africa.

Answering Commonly Asked Questions about International Women’s Day

1. What is the origin of International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day was first observed in the early 1900s, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialised world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies. The first National Woman’s Day was observed in the United States on February 28, 1909, and by 1911, IWD was being celebrated in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland with rallies and organised meetings.

2. Why do we celebrate International Women’s Day?

IWD is celebrated to acknowledge the impressive acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played extraordinary roles in the history of their countries and communities. It’s also a day for all people, regardless of gender, to support the fight for women’s rights and participate in the movement towards gender equality.

3. How can we celebrate International Women’s Day?

Celebrating IWD can take many forms: from small, private gestures of appreciation to large public events and campaigns. Need some inspiration? Here are some ideas:

  1. Educational Workshops: Attend or organise workshops focusing on women’s rights, history, and achievements. Use this as an opportunity to learn more about global and local gender issues.
  2. Support Local: Buy products or services from women-owned businesses to help promote economic empowerment and acknowledge their contributions to the community and economy.
  3. Community Events: Participate in or volunteer for International Women’s Day events such as rallies, art exhibitions, or panel discussions to celebrate and advocate for women’s rights.
  4. Social Media Campaigns: Use your online platforms to amplify women’s voices by sharing inspirational stories, educational content, and supporting women-centric hashtags and movements.
  5. Mentoring and Networking: Offer mentorship to young women or peers, or organise networking events to foster support systems and professional growth for women in various fields.
  6. Gender Equality Initiatives: Advocate for equal rights and opportunities in your workplace or community by supporting gender equality policies and initiatives.
  7. Personal Reflection: Reflect on your attitudes and actions regarding gender equality. Commit to personal growth by educating yourself on feminism and pledging to challenge discriminatory practices.

4. What is the theme for International Women’s Day this year?

Each year, International Women’s Day is centred around a specific theme, which focuses on different aspects of women’s rights, achievements, or struggles. The theme serves as a call to action and a reminder of the ongoing fight for gender parity.

According to the International Women’s Day website:

“The campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is Inspire Inclusion. When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.”

Shining the Light on Female SweepStars for International Women’s Day

Ever wondered about the more intricate details of a domestic worker’s life and the responsibilities they have beyond taking care of our homes? Below, we provide some snippets from the Sixth Annual Domestic Workers Report on Pay and Working Conditions for Domestic Workers in South Africa that help shine the light on these wonderful, hard-working ladies, and everything they balance in their day-to-day lives.

1. The Importance of SweepStars and Other Domestic Workers

“Our results continue to emphasise the disproportionate burden that domestic workers carry in their households. The majority are women (94%), sole breadwinners (84%), single caregivers (64%), and support an average of four dependents. Cleaning was the most commonly reported primary role (96%), followed by childcare (26%). While those in caring roles (child, elderly, special) earned the most, gardening was the lowest earning role. Earnings increased by taking on more roles, and many seek other work to earn additional income (42%).”

2. Mental Health Awareness of Domestic Workers in South Africa

“Around one in ten domestic workers had their mental health negatively affected in the last year, a decrease from levels reported in the last few years’ reports.

“Mental health is another difficult topic to address, and this section of the survey was optional for domestic workers to answer. The largest aggravator was unemployment, followed by debt/financial stress and family problems. The largest sources of ‘comfort’ or support to take care of their mental health are through church attendance or spending time with their minister/religious community, followed by spending time with friends or family.”

3. Celebrating Increased Earnings for SweepStars

“It’s encouraging to report a continued recovery in earnings, especially among SweepStars, workers who work on the SweepSouth platform (+1% to R2992 off, +19% to R4999 on the platform). We continue to work towards a living wage at SweepSouth and are proud of the inroads we have been able to achieve over the past two years.”

If you would like to uncover some more interesting statistics and facts about the lives of these irreplaceable stars in our lives, click here for the full report.

In Conclusion: SweepSouth Supports You

As we reflect on International Women’s Day and the significant roles women play in our lives and society, let’s also remember the hard-working women who help keep our homes clean and comfortable. At SweepSouth, we’re proud to support thousands of SweepStars, giving them the opportunity to earn an honest living, thanks to your bookings. Ready to find the right female (or male) SweepStar to help out with a variety of services around your home?

All of them are vetted, experienced, and ready to bring that expert touch of cleanliness and organisation to your home, ultimately giving you more free time and priceless peace of mind. Book a SweepSouth cleaning service and get ready to experience the joy and love felt in a happier, healthier home.

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