5 Quick Cleaning Saves Until Your Next Cleaning Appointment

Cleaning SavesGet your home ready for company in just 25 minutes…

You’ve been clever and have booked a SweepSouth cleaning for the morning after your dinner party, but if you’re cooking you won’t have much time to worry about tidying up before your guests arrive. Here’s our top five cleaning quick fixes that will get your house in shape for company in just 25 minutes…

1. Leave the bedrooms

Unless your bathroom is off your bedroom (or you’re having a housewarming and will be expected to give a tour of the house) guests usually don’t spend time in the bedrooms, so quickly make your bed, dump your scattered clothes in the laundry basket and then close the door behind you.

Time: 3 mins

2. Bathroom Blitz

Whether they’ll be there for 20 minutes or well past midnight, you never know if your guests will need to use the restroom, so prepare accordingly. Clean the loo, wipe down the basin and mirror. Fold a fresh hand towel over the towel rail and ensure there’s some hand soap nearby.

Time: 5 mins

3. Kitchen Crackdown

In a dream scenario your guests will sit in the lounge or dining room and chat among themselves while you get on with the shambolic business of preparing their food in privacy, making as much mess as you like along the way.

However, guests generally prefer to keep you company in the kitchen as you add the finishing touches to the meal, which means there’s no getting out of cleaning this area.

Wipe down the counters and appliances, sweep the floor and hide any dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

Time: 12 mins

4. First Things First

First impressions count of course, so walk out the front door and then walk back in, examining the entrance way as you do. Put your piles of post in a drawer, your keys on the hook, move your coats, shoes and children’s schoolbags into a bedroom and close the door behind you. Replace the clutter with some flowers or a beautifully scented candle.

Time: 4 mins

5. Scent Your Space

Nothing says clean and immaculate like a wonderful smelling home, so spritz some room spray in the living room, dining room, bathroom and hallway. Go for warm and welcoming with vanilla and sandalwood or fresh and uplifting with a hint of lime, mint or citrus.

Time: 1 min

Now put on some good music, pop out the drinks and have a wonderful night – it’s your time to shine!

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