Safety First This Festive Season

Prepping for the holidays can be stressful, more so as entertaining this time around is going to be so much different than what we’re used to. But with our tips and tricks, you can enjoy a relaxing time with family and friends as you navigate (safe) holiday hosting this year.

Planning a Holiday Party

Proper planning is what it’s going to take from your side to plan and host a safe event.

Start by evaluating your space to see how many guests can be accommodated while maintaining safe social distancing. Bear in mind, less invited visitors would also mean less exposure to germs.

Your guests’ safety is now your priority so make sure you inform them of all the event details ahead of time so they know what to expect. Be sure to detail how many people will be present and how you are planning to maintain social distancing and “germ control” – that way, your guests can decide whether they’re comfortable to attend or not.

Don’t feel bad if someone declines your invitation. We all have to make the best decision for ourselves and our families during these unprecedented times.

Lastly, mask up, have sufficient hand sanitiser, and make sure you adhere to all COVID-19 regulations for group gatherings. Have extra disposable masks in case your guests forget theirs.

Ideas for Hosting Venues

Take your gatherings outdoors on a patio or garden. For cool and colder weather, add a fire pit or outdoor heater, warm beverages, and remember, lots of festive lighting.

Setting up an event or party tent outside would also encourage guests to space apart and be sure to have both outdoor and indoor activities to spread people out and help maintain social distancing.

An alternative is to rent a large place for your party – a place with many tables and spaces where people can spread out would be beneficial!

Bathroom Usage Protocol

When hosting guests, you are guaranteed to share bathrooms with other people – be it in your home or another venue – make sure it’s been properly cleaned and disinfected ahead of your party.

If you’re in need of home cleaning assistance, you can enlist the help of a home cleaning professional by means of the SweepSouth app or website.

Provide plenty of hand wash and hand sanitiser, replace your reusable hand towels for the event with disposable paper towels instead, and have disinfectant wipes as well, for your guests to wipe down all surfaces that they’ve touched before leaving the toilet/bathroom.

Keep Food Handling Safe

Practicing safe hygiene habits around handling food is vital, especially where (big) groups of people are involved.

Place hand sanitisers near any area with food or drinks to remind and encourage guests to use it often.

If food items will be shared, designate servers to reduce the “sharing of germs” on serving utensils. If possible keep all food and drinks individually packaged or alternatively, opt for boxed meals, individual take-out or delivery, and/or prepared trays for each guest.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be ready to welcome your guests and not feel stressed. Happy festive season!


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