Tips And Tricks For Packing Clothes When Moving

If you’re getting ready to move house, you’re likely experiencing an abundance of mixed emotions. On the one hand, you’re excited to move into the new house and turn it into your home, but on the other hand, you’re probably dreading having to pack up, especially when it comes to your clothes. Luckily there are some tips and tricks to make the folding and packing process a lot easier. 

The SweepSouth team does not only love cleaning houses, but also sharing home tips that make life easier. We’ve done some research and jotted down the clothes packing methods that are best to use before packing up your boxes and suitcases for the big move. Combine these with some ideas of your own to make the day as stress-free as possible.

Donate, Throw Away, And Sort

Packing up your belongings to move house is always a daunting task. Not only do you have to figure out how to fit everything into boxes, but you also have to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. One way to make the process a little easier is to go through your clothes before packing them up. Throw away anything that you never wear or that is too damaged to be worn again. If you have any clothes that you no longer want but are still in good condition, consider donating them to a local charity or clothing drive. Getting rid of unwanted items before you move will lighten your load and make unpacking a little less overwhelming.

Once you’ve gone through everything and decided what you’re keeping, it’s time to sort those clothing items into categories. Sorting according to season or occasion for example, and packing similar items together will make the unpacking process a lot easier.

Pack An Overnight Bag With Essentials

When you’re packing for a move, it’s important to include some essential items in your overnight bag that will make the transition easier. For example, you’ll want to pack a toothbrush and toothpaste, other essential toiletries, pyjamas, a change of clothes, and any medications you may need. You’ll also want to pack any important documents, such as your driver’s licence and birth certificate. If you have small children, you may want to pack some toys and snacks to keep them entertained. And finally, don’t forget to pack your phone charger! By including these items in your overnight bag, you can be sure that you’ll have everything you need when you arrive at your new home.

Use Alternative Packing Methods If Need Be

There are a few different packing methods you can use to make the moving process a little easier:

  • Cardboard boxes are great for smaller items and they can be easily labelled so you know where everything goes. 
  • Wardrobe boxes are perfect for hanging clothes and they can help to keep your wardrobe wrinkles-free. 
  • If you have many small items, packing them into suitcases can help to save space. 

By using a variety of packing methods, you can make sure that all your belongings arrive at your new home safe and sound.

Vacuum-Seal Bulky Clothes

Another way to make the process a little easier is to vacuum-seal your clothes. This will help to save space in your boxes, and it will also protect your clothes from dirt, dust, and insects. Vacuum-sealing is easy to do – simply place your clothes in a plastic bag and seal it with a vacuum sealer. If you don’t have a vacuum-sealer, you can also use a clothes iron. Just make sure to leave a small opening in the bag so that you can insert the iron. Once your clothes are sealed, they’ll take up far less space in your boxes, which will make packing and unpacking a breeze.

Use Rolling And Folding Methods

Most people are used to folding clothes when needing to pack for short getaways. For a larger packing project such as a move, it’s beneficial to pack your clothes using rolling and folding methods. Rolling is great for heavier items like jeans or coats, while folding is better for lighter items like shirts or skirts. By taking the time to choose the right method for each item, you can save yourself a lot of time and effort when it comes to unpacking. And who knows – you might even enjoy the process a little bit more.

Leave Folded Clothes In Drawers

The last packing tip we have to make the process a little easier is to leave clothes in their drawers when packing up your bedroom. This way, you won’t have to fold everything, and it will be easier to just carry the dresser to the truck. You can also use garbage bags to line suitcases and boxes; this will help keep things clean and prevent items from moving around too much. 

With a little organisation and planning, packing for a move doesn’t have to be so stressful. Use the folding and packing methods above to have a successful and easy day of packing, and remember to get help from family and friends to lighten the load. Before moving out, remember to book a move-out cleaning service to leave your old house in pristine condition. And why not book a move-in cleaning service for the other side while you’re at it? With a SweepStar by your side, moving will be a whole lot easier. 

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