7 Essential Cleaning Supplies That Every Household Should Have

The right cleaning supplies can make all the difference in the world when transforming your home. If you’re still struggling with the same old cleaning materials you’ve been using for ages, you’re missing out big time! What do we mean by that? Your home could be even cleaner and healthier than it is now, even if you’re using the best cleaning detergents.

If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to essential cleaning supplies, we’ve put together a list that you can save and use the next time you go shopping. Turn your house into a home by getting your hands on the 7 tools listed below.

Essential Cleaning Supplies

  1. Microfiber cloths
  2. Sponges
  3. A bucket and mop
  4. Gloves 
  5. Spray bottles
  6. Broom and dustpan
  7. Scrub brushes

1. Microfiber Cloths 

Microfiber cloths

From your laptop screen to your windows, microfiber cloths are essential to keeping many surfaces and appliances in your home clean without leaving any scratches or streaks behind. Different surfaces in your home require the use of different cloths for the best cleaning results, and microfiber cloths often come in packs that are suited best for these requirements. 

Grab a set of microfiber cloths in your favourite colours and give the delicate surfaces in your home the best cleaning treatment possible.

2. Sponges


Dynamite comes in small packages – this saying holds plenty of truth when referring to sponges. These versatile cleaning tools should be near the top of your house cleaning essentials list. Of course, they’re great for doing the dishes if you don’t have a dishwasher, but they’re also essential for certain appliances in your home. Your oven will often require a good scrubbing, and a sponge will do the trick. Other than plates, cutlery, and appliances, they can also be used to clean floors. Just remember to use different sponges for the dishes and floors. 

Get yourself a set of sponges today and both you and your home will be glad you did!

3. A Bucket And Mop 

A bucket and mop

Which came first, the bucket or the mop? This set is the match made in heaven of cleaning materials. Having only one just doesn’t seem right. As you’ll probably already know, a bucket and mop are essential for keeping your floors clean. However, you can also use the bucket to store your cleaning products together so that they’re easy to find. The mop, on the other hand, will surely come in handy one day when you need to get something out of the tree or another high-up place. 

Buy yourself a good quality bucket and mop, and you’ll be able to keep it for years to come.

4. Gloves

Cleaning gloves

If you haven’t tried sporting a pair of gloves while cleaning, you’re missing out on a simple trick that could speed up the process, with better results too. Here are the benefits of wearing gloves while tackling your chores:

  • Not getting your hands dirty – If you’re one of those people that loathe the feeling of dirt or leftover food touching your hands, gloves are the ideal solution for you.
  • Not burning your hands – Cleaning will often involve the risk of hurting your hands, but gloves will ensure that doesn’t happen.
  • Getting a good grip – Using gloves with a textured surface will keep them holding firmly onto any cleaning tool. This can make for quicker and better results being achieved.

Get fitted with a decent pair of cleaning gloves and feel the difference it makes. 

5. Spray Bottles

Spray bottles

Many surfaces and appliances in your home will strictly require small amounts of cleaning detergent to be applied, and this is where spray bottles are extremely useful. Instead of trying to pour a liquid out and spilling a whole lot more than you bargained for, you can carefully control how much liquid gets applied. Spray bottles are also great for making and storing natural homemade cleaning products. 

Tip: Recycle store-bought bottles by reusing them when trying your hand at homemade cleaning products. 

Get a set of spray bottles today and take control of the amount of cleaning liquids you use.

6. Broom And Dustpan

Broom and dustpan

Whether it’s gathering dust after doing a daily sweep or cleaning a recently-spilled bag of sugar (which is a nightmare), a broom and dustpan will be used almost on a daily basis. Get a pan with a rubber lip that sits low on the floor so that the debris is easily swept into it. Don’t forget to clean it now and then to avoid bacteria from spreading after clean-ups. 

Find a good quality broom and dustpan set to make your life a whole lot easier. 

7. Scrub Brushes

Scrub brushes

There will be times when you spill products in your home that leave a stain, and that’s when scrub brushes come to the party. You’ll need to apply a good amount of elbow grease with something stronger than a cloth, which is why it’s essential to have at least one scrub brush in your house. They’re also great for scrubbing showers and bathtubs. Try to get one with strong bristles and a handle to achieve the best results. 

Tip: You can also use an old toothbrush to do the scrubbing while you wait to get a scrubbing brush.

Get at least one scrub brush today, and you’ll thank yourself when you need it at a later stage.

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Now that you’re all set with your house cleaning essentials, don’t forget to get the products needed to do the job. If your schedule doesn’t allow you to get to your cleaning chores, gather all your supplies and book a cleaning service with SweepSouth today. SweepStars are experts at home transformation and will leave you with a smile on your face. Share these cleaning tips with friends and family using the icons below so that they too, can be prepared.

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