Why Work For SweepSouth? SweepStar Thabisa Shares Her Reasons

Almost two thousand under- and unemployed cleaners from across South Africa have joined SweepSouth because of the earning potential, the flexibility, the opportunities and the safety factor. If you or someone you know might like to join our growing team of SweepStars, share this story with them….

Taking a chance on something new can be scary, but for five-star rated SweepStar Thabisa, it was worth it. Living with her family in Cape Town after moving down from the Eastern Cape, Thabisa worked in sales, but found the job extremely stressful with unachievable targets and inflexible working hours.

After helping her friends and looking after their kids, she realised that she wanted to try make a career in cleaning, in which she had prior work experience. However, she did not want to knock door to door looking for work, putting herself at risk. Knowing that finding clients could be hard and that random jobs could not be relied on to pay the bills, she was excited when her friend told her about SweepSouth and together they came for an interview.

Thabisa passed the test with flying colours and her schedule was immediately booked out with compliments pouring in after every house clean. Having been with SweepSouth since May, we decided it was time to catch up with Thabisa about her first six months at SweepSouth and the experience she has had…

We asked Thabisa, what makes it great to work for SweepSouth?

“I like the flexibility” she said, “I choose where and when I want to work, which is very good as I have a family. I choose on which days I work and in which areas. I can calculate where and when is the best time for me to work and plan my schedule according to my needs.”

Compared to the typical cleaner rates and long working hours, Thabisa was much happier with her income and working hours, saying “With the hourly rate I am getting, I can work less hours and still can spend time with my family. The great thing is that the rates are very transparent, so it’s easy to plan your earnings and if you don’t understand something, SweepSouth can explain it to you. We get 80% commission from our hourly rate, plus we often get tips, which all goes straight into my pocket. Now it’s even better as clients don’t have to have cash on them to give tips to the SweepSouth cleaners, they can tip us online instead. Plus I get bonuses when referring my friends to SweepSouth.”

Thabisa was surprised how easy it was get regular clients. “Within a few weeks I had repeat customers” she said. “They kept asking for me to clean their place because they trusted me and the quality of my cleaning and because I knew how to find their place and how they liked things done.”

Most of all, Thabisa finds it reassuring that SweepSouth is always here to help. “I trust SweepSouth to put my safety and best interests first. If I feel unsafe when arriving at a place, I can just send a message to the support number and won’t be pressurised into completing the clean. We take great care when cleaning but accidents do sometimes happen, and if I break something, SweepSouth takes responsibility. The company assists me with any questions I have and always knows where I am in case something happens to me, so I am better protected physically and financially.”

Thabisa also enjoys the new challenge that being a SweepStar involves. “As a SweepStar, I know that I no longer represent just myself, but the company and community of SweepStars. I have to bear that in mind when cleaning and talking to clients and it motivates me to be better at my job.”

As one of our top rated SweepStars, we also asked Thabisa to share her advice to other cleaners who are thinking of joining SweepSouth.

“Clean well” she advised. “It’ll help you get positive feedback and high ratings, good tips and regular clients. Communicate well with your clients, let them know if you are late or lost or unsure about anything. And when you don’t understand something or have a question, chat to SweepSouth support so they can assist. Help is never more than a call away!”

Know someone who might enjoy the flexibility and earning possibilities that our SweepStars enjoy? Share this story with them or encourage them to apply at www.sweepsouth.com/apply.

4 thoughts on “Why Work For SweepSouth? SweepStar Thabisa Shares Her Reasons”

  1. am really not so happy with you…Have worked 3 times and not paid why….Never changed bank detail.Have come to your offices but you keep on telling me we have put it through to HR you will be paid bt nothing came

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