What Does SweepSouth Mean To Its Employees? An Insight Into The Work Culture

Opening the door and welcoming the friendly face of a SweepStar into your home is always a pleasure, but have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at SweepSouth? How are the wheels of such a brilliant institution set in motion every day for the perfect service to be delivered? From making the ideal coffee in office (or at home), to boardroom meetings that are sparked with ideas and set alight with sign-offs, the passion behind the workforce is titanic.

We tapped into some of the brilliant minds of SweepSouth employees from different teams to find out about the challenges, celebrations, and everything in between. Keep reading to learn more about the SweepSouth culture as we look at the honest questions and answers given and received from the faces behind South Africa’s #1 cleaning service company.

Team Mottos 

While the vision of SweepSouth from afar is one cohesive unit, there are many teams within the organisation that are proud to be making an impact. Each has its own beliefs and core values that contribute to the company’s bigger vision. When asked about their team’s motto, here are some of the answers that were given:

  • “According to our team’s enneagram profile, we’re conquerors? Not a motto, but pretty cool!” 
  • “Teamwork makes the dream work.”
  • “To deliver the best service ever.”
  • “Outdo ourselves daily.”
  • “The customer is always right. Even when they aren’t, they are.”
  • “Deliver with Purpose, Grow with Integrity.”

Proudest Achievements Of 2022

With a slight glimmer of hope in the air, the start of 2022 felt like it could be the year when the pandemic would ease up. While this proved to be the case when December rolled around, the year was not faced without its other challenges. The teams at SweepSouth faced many, both individually and together, but rose above with heads full of knowledge and hearts overflowing with fulfilment. When asked about the team’s proudest achievement of 2022, here’s what some people had to say:

  • “A great festive season.”
  • “Learning to work together as a unit despite who comes and goes.”
  • “Festive Season.”
  • “Achieving the highest Fairwork rating in South Africa.”
  • “How we handled the festive season.”

New Heights In 2023

As you can see, 2022 ended off on an exceedingly high note with a festive season that SweepSouth staff and SweepStars alike were extremely proud of. From the carpets that were vacuumed to the windows that were cleaned, and all the work done behind the scenes, the country was swept off its feet. With high hopes and even higher aspirations, these were the answers given when asked how new heights would be reached in 2023:

  • “Collaboration and experimentation! We’re making some bets and going for them!”
  • “Teamwork and communication.”
  • “More quality control and expansion.”
  • “Deliver on my promises to the team and hold myself accountable in both my work performance as well as achieving the balance around personal priorities, wellness, and ambition.”
  • “By working together with my colleagues to achieve our goals.”
  • “Focusing on what works for the team and seeing how I can contribute towards that.”

Overcoming Times Of Difficulty

Franklin D. Roosevelt said it best with his line, “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” Difficult times are bound to make their presence felt as we all traverse the seas of life, but it’s how we overcome those difficulties that make for enjoyable sunrises the following day. When asked how they overcome times of difficulty or uncertainty, this is what some of the SweepSouth employees had to say:

  • “Venting Fridays.”
  • “Step 1. Ask the team for help. Step 2. Ask Sensei Chris.”
  • “We always run any issues that occur in the team in order to find the best possible solution.”
  • “Spend more time together, and communication.”
  • “We raise issues and speak about it.”
  • “Communicate transparently, lean on each other, try come up with a gameplan, but ultimately just put one foot in front of the other, taking it step by step. And nothing beats spending time together in a relaxed setting.”

Fondest Memory At SweepSouth

A calculated balance of hard work and good times in between is what makes for a healthy work environment, and keeps employees happy and motivated. When asked about their fondest memory at SweepSouth, the abovementioned points came through in team members’ answers, as seen below:

  • “Our team Enneagram session where we got to know each other on a deeper level.”
  • “Attending my first team building with my team.”
  • “Our rainbow picnic that we had in the office.”
  • “My first day at Sweepsouth was the also day my son turned 1, so the 4th of November I celebrate twice.”
  • “Having an amazing manager and team.”
  • “When we were able to raise funds through our Foundation to gift a new wheelchair to the daughter of one of our SweepStars.”

How A SweepSouth Service Makes Us Feel

SweepStar praises are sung every day via different online platforms, giving us an insight into a SweepSouth service in the eyes of a customer. How do the expert cleaning services weigh up for those who push the company forward every day, though? This is what team members had to say:

  • “Makes my day.”
  • “Being able to provide a service to an overwhelmed working mom and uplifting another by creating an income for another, makes the tiny contribution I have feel worth it on a bigger scale.”
  • “Feel more relaxed and makes my day.”
  • “Good, amazing, worth it.”
  • “Despite working here for 9 years, I am still wowed by how easy it is to book and have an amazing SweepStar with the right quality and attitude arrive within 2 hours. A clean home is good for the soul, and the comfort of having a clean home with knowing that my SweepStar is protected and empowered by SweepSouth adds to that comfort. It feels like I am getting my home cleaned the right way. And that makes me happy and content.”


The cleaning services provided by the valued and beloved SweepStars mean a great deal to so many people, simply because a clean home is a happy home. If you haven’t experienced the magic of SweepSouth yet, book a service to find out just how easy, convenient, and seamless the process is. We promise to have you falling in love with your home all over again.

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