Worldly Wipes: Exploring Unique Cleaning Practices Across the Globe

Cleaning is a universal necessity, but the methods and techniques vary greatly from one culture to another. From ancient traditions rooted in history to modern innovations shaped by technology, cleaning practices around the world offer a fascinating glimpse into different societies and their values. In this SweepSouth blog, we uncover unique cleaning practices from various cultures. 

Unique Cleaning Practices Across the Globe

The Japanese Art of Kanso: Simplicity in Cleaning

Kanso: Embracing Minimalism

In Japan, cleanliness is not just about physical hygiene—it’s also a reflection of spiritual purity and simplicity. The concept of “Kanso” emphasises the beauty of simplicity and the importance of decluttering and organising one’s surroundings. Japanese cleaning practices often focus on minimalism, with an emphasis on tidiness and order.

Incorporating Kanso into Your Cleaning Routine

To incorporate the principles of Kanso into your own cleaning routine, focus on decluttering and simplifying your living space. Remove unnecessary items and create designated spaces for each belonging. Embrace a minimalist approach to cleaning, focusing on quality over quantity. SweepSouth’s professional cleaning services can help you achieve a minimalist clean home that reflects the tranquillity and simplicity of Kanso.

Indian Ayurvedic Cleaning Rituals: Balancing Body and Mind

Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach to Cleaning

In India, cleaning is viewed as a holistic practice that encompasses not only physical cleanliness but also mental and spiritual well-being. Ayurvedic cleansing rituals often involve the use of natural ingredients like neem, turmeric, and sandalwood, which are believed to purify both the body and the environment.

Embracing Ayurvedic Principles

To incorporate Ayurvedic principles into your cleaning routine, consider using natural cleaning products made from plant-based ingredients. Embrace mindfulness and intentionality in your cleaning practices, focusing on creating a harmonious balance between body and mind.

Swedish Lagom: Finding Balance in Cleaning

Lagom: The Art of Moderation

In Sweden, the concept of “Lagom” embodies the idea of balance and moderation in all aspects of life, including cleaning. Swedish cleaning practices emphasise efficiency and sustainability, with a focus on using just the right amount of resources to get the job done.

Practicing Lagom in Cleaning

To practice Lagom in your cleaning routine, focus on efficiency and sustainability. Use eco-friendly cleaning products and tools, and avoid excessive waste and consumption. Simplify your cleaning routine by prioritising tasks and avoiding unnecessary complexity. 

Brazilian Spiritual Cleansing: Purifying the Home and Soul

Spiritual Cleansing: Banishing Negative Energy

In Brazil, cleaning is often accompanied by spiritual rituals aimed at purifying the home and warding off negative energy. These rituals may involve burning sage or herbs, sprinkling salt, or performing prayers and incantations to cleanse the space of impurities.

Incorporating Spiritual Cleansing Practices

To incorporate spiritual cleansing practices into your cleaning routine, consider incorporating rituals that resonate with your own beliefs and traditions. Whether it’s burning incense or playing calming music while you clean, adding a spiritual element to your cleaning routine can help create a sense of peace and harmony in your home. 

Feng Shui: Harmonising Energy Flow

Feng Shui: Creating Balance and Harmony

In Chinese culture, Feng Shui is a centuries-old practice that focuses on harmonising the flow of energy, or “qi,” in the home. Cleaning plays a crucial role in Feng Shui, as clutter and dirt can disrupt the flow of energy and create imbalance.

Incorporating Feng Shui into Your Cleaning Routine

To incorporate Feng Shui principles into your cleaning routine, focus on decluttering and creating a harmonious layout in your home. Keep pathways clear and free from obstacles to allow energy to flow freely. SweepSouth’s professional cleaning services can help you declutter and organise your space, creating a clean and harmonious environment that promotes positive energy flow.


Cleaning practices around the world offer a rich tapestry of cultural traditions and values. Whether it’s embracing the simplicity of Kanso, the holistic approach of Ayurveda, the balance of Lagom, the spiritual cleansing rituals of Brazil, or the harmonising principles of Feng Shui, each culture offers unique insights into the art of cleaning. And if you need a help with the cleaning, incorporate SweepSouth into your routine. By booking a SweepSouth cleaning service, you entrust your space to skilled professionals determined to elevate the cleanliness and harmony of your environment.


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