How To Create And Keep A House Cleaning Schedule To Keep A Spotless Home

Between the chaos of everyday life, work, and other responsibilities, keeping a clean home may appear to be a challenge. A daily or weekly cleaning schedule is useful for making cleaning something easy to remember and achieve, this will help you to streamline chores and appreciate your home. There are some quick and simple tips to try to make cleaning your house a daily or weekly habit for your house to stay clean and in order. 

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Daily Cleaning

Here are some cleaning habits and tips to make your cleaning routine more efficient. 

  • Never go to bed with dirty dishes sitting in the sink. 
  • Make your bed as soon as you wake up and get out of bed every morning. 
  • Hang the clothes you wore that day, instead of letting them pile up on a chair or your bed. 
  • Remove clean dishes from the dishwasher while waiting for the kettle to boil.
  • Try to clean your bathroom or toilet while your children are taking a bath, but don’t leave small children unattended. 
  • You can keep your bathroom cleaner for longer by keeping wet wipes in the bathrooms. The bathroom can get a quick wipe of the counters and sinks after use. 
  • Learn how to clean a kitchen, and do so while your meal is busy cooking. 
  • To keep your floors cleaner for longer, you may want to enforce a ‘no shoes’ rule inside the house, particularly if you have carpets. 
  • Clean certain parts of the house while another area is busy soaking in cleaning products. For example, you can start sweeping your floors while a cleaning agent soaks on your stove top. 
  • Place laundry bins in every bedroom. 
  • You may want to invest in a lightweight, handheld vacuum, or robotic vacuum and mop, for daily cleaning of your floors. 
  • If your couches are prone to spills, cover the cushions with matching blankets to minimise stains. 
  • Keep clutter and other appliances off from kitchen counters, to make wiping them an easier job.
  • Teach your kids to put away their toys in marked bins or whatever storage they may have. Find out about 12 kids toys organisation and storage ideas
  • After a shower, take a minute to rinse down the walls, and squeegee the shower glass.
  • Keep a spray bottle filled with vinegar and water by the washing machine to clean up laundry detergent spills. 

Tips To Keep The House Clean

Keeping The House Clean

Put Things Away After Use

Not putting away your belongings is the main cause of clutter and untidiness. Try to scan each room to see if there’s anything that you can put in the right place. Make sure that clothes go back into the cupboard or laundry. It’s easy to leave a pair of shoes by the front door, or some clothing items on a chair in your bedroom. But these things can quickly turn into bigger messes if left for too long. 

Tidy Room By Room

The best way to take on house cleaning is to clean room by room. Splitting up all the cleaning by each room or even by day will help you to achieve one bit at a time, instead of everything at once. Not only does this save time, but also makes cleaning your home easier to schedule and more manageable. When tasks are easier to accomplish, it’s more likely that you’ll keep up with the chores for longer. 

Here’s how you can clean room by room, or while sticking to a schedule.

Cleaning The Bathroom

The quickest way to deep clean your bathroom:

  • Clean and wipe the sink, and scrub the shower, bathtub, and toilet. 
  • Learn how to clean a mirror to remove watermarks. 
  • Mop the bathroom floors. 
  • Dust the shelves and cabinets, not forgetting to disinfect other surfaces. 

Although there are many all-purpose cleaners you can use for cleaning your bathroom, DIY cleaners are inexpensive and just as effective. 

Here is a simple DIY cleaning recipe:

  • 2 cups of water
  • ¼ baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons of dish soap
  • 3 tablespoons of white vinegar
  • 10 drops of essential oil – optional

After washing your hands in the sink or stepping out of the shower, use your natural cleaner and spray down the surfaces. Be sure to run water over them to wash away the cleaning solution. Keeping surfaces clean regularly means that your bathroom will be able to last for longer without having to give your bathroom a full deep clean. And adding essential oils to your cleaning mixture will help to keep the bathroom smelling fresh for longer. 

Cleaning the bedroom

One way to always keep bedrooms clean is with storage solutions. If there are more places for your clothing and accessories, there will be less clutter taking up space in your room, and you’ll more likely want to keep your space clean. You may want to invest in storage containers or baskets placed out of the way or under your bed. Having a fresh change of linen close by makes it easier to remember to change them – do this immediately after placing the old ones in the washing machine. 

Choosing a good bedside table also helps to keep things organised in the bedroom. You can store magazines, books, and things in the drawers rather than just placing them on top to help reduce clutter. 

Tips to keep your bedroom clean daily:

  • Always start the day by making your bed. 
  • Fold up blankets and throws. 
  • Put clutter back in designated storage. 
  • Dust your nightstands, shelves, or vanity table. 
  • Vacuum the floor and rugs. 
  • Don’t forget to wash your sheets and linen at least once a week. 

Cleaning The Kitchen

Dishes are usually the cause of a messy kitchen, especially if there are individuals in your home that leave dishes to “soak” in the sink. To reduce the heap of dishes and smells coming from the sink, simply fill one side of the sink with water and a few drops of dish soap. That way throughout the day, dishes can be added to the soapy water to soak so that when they are washed or placed in the dishwasher, it’s easier for grease and food to be removed. 

The kitchen is a great room in the house to stick to a cleaning schedule, simply by using 20 minutes every day. Spend a few minutes cleaning the kitchen after meals, that way you’ll have less mess to deal with, especially in the heart of your home. 

How To Clean The Kitchen Everyday:

Cleaning The Living Room

Your living room receives the majority of foot traffic in your home. It can also become easily cluttered with random everyday household items like books, bags, dishes, and other everyday items that add clutter. Make sure that items are placed back where they belong once you’re done using them so your living room stays tidy. 

How To Keep Your Living Room Clean Daily:

  • Clear the room of clutter, including kids’ toys, games, and books.
  • Fluff couch pillows and fold up your throws or blankets. Clean your couches ever so often to keep them fresh and remove stains. 
  • Dust your mantel, coffee tables, and decorations on display.
  • Thoroughly vacuum couches and floors, especially if you have pets. Here you can read about getting 10 tips for getting rid of pet hair in your home. 
  • Make sure to put blankets in the washing machine regularly. 

You may want to add a shoe rack, especially if you have carpet floors in the living room. It’s a good idea to have somewhere that you can store shoes so they don’t make contact with your carpet. 

Sticking To A Cleaning Schedule

Cleaning Schedule

A cleaning schedule is the best way to create a cleaning plan that works for everyone at home. 

How To Create A Cleaning Schedule For Your Home

Make a list of important chores to keep on the fridge, desk, or anywhere that you can easily see. The cleaning schedule should include what needs to be done and by when it should be done. 

By splitting your cleaning tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly routines, you will be able to keep your house in perfect order all year round. 

How To Keep The House Clean Daily

Here are 6 daily tasks, that are small, but effective ways to keep your house clean:

  • Make the bed. The best way to start your day is simply by making the bed. This will also leave you motivated to keep everywhere else neat. 
  • Clean as you go. Keeping a house clean requires close attention to the kitchen. Try to wash dishes while dinner is in the oven, and make sure to put dishes away before you sit down to relax after a meal. Cleaning as you go saves time and keeps your kitchen clean for longer.  
  • Declutter as you go. Minimise clutter by picking up your belongings and taking them with you whenever you leave a room. Take your shoes with you when heading to your bedroom so you can put them away. If there’s a cup in a corner, pick it up and bring it to the kitchen. Try not to leave items out of place. 
  • Wipe up spills as they happen. Try not to leave spills unattended. Take a couple of minutes to wipe them up with a damp cloth instead of leaving them to become a set-in stain. 
  • Sweep the kitchen floor. The kitchen often sees the most traffic after the living room, meaning it collects a lot of dirt, debris, and crumbs from cooking and eating. At the end of each day, spend a few minutes sweeping the floor, that will help to keep dirt out of the rest of your home. 

Weekly Cleaning

No matter how much you commit to the smaller daily tasks, you probably will still need to take care of bigger tasks once a week.

Weekly cleaning schedule example: 

  • Monday: Laundry and dusting of all rooms.
  • Tuesday: Clean the bathroom and vacuuming the rest of your home. 
  • Wednesday: Cleaning the living room and mopping the floors
  • Thursday: Bedrooms. 
  • Friday: Kitchen cleaning.
  • Saturday: Organise and declutter. 


A weekly cleaning schedule is an easy way to take care of one room at a time. As long as you follow a routine that permits you to focus on a large section of your home each day, cleaning will never be too overwhelming. In addition to daily and weekly cleaning, you should keep monthly cleaning in mind too. This may include vacuuming mattresses, using the easiest and best way to clean your home blinds, curtains and more. By starting with the smaller tasks, you can fill in the gaps with larger cleaning tasks less frequently. Involving your family members can make cleaning more fun. Start with the bigger messes first, whether it’s the kitchen, child’s bedrooms, or the living room. Then you can continue with areas that receive the most traffic. 
For those that work full-time, it may be harder to find the time to commit to cleaning all the time. You may want to book a professional home cleaning service with SweepSouth.

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