Celebrating Earth Day: Origins, Importance, and What to Do

Earth Day is an annual celebration that takes place on 22 April, aimed at raising awareness about environmental issues and encouraging people to do their bit to protect the planet. It has become an important day for millions of people worldwide to unite and demonstrate their support for environmental protection. From reducing, and one day even eradicating plastic waste, to conserving water, there are countless ways people and communities can make lifestyle changes that are needed. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the history and importance of Earth Day, while also discussing some of the most pertinent issues the Earth faces today. We’ll also provide some ideas for how you can get involved make the change you would like to see.

The History of Earth Day 

The history of Earth Day

The first Earth Day was celebrated in the United States on April 22nd, 1970. A Senator named Gaylord Nelson wanted to raise public awareness about environmental issues and put pressure on the government to take action for the planet’s protection. The tipping point was a massive oil spill off the coast of California in 1969, which affected marine life far and wide, and inspired a wave of environmental activism. 

The first Earth Day saw millions of people across the United States take to the streets to demand better protection for the environment and to call for action on water pollution, deforestation, wildlife extinction, and other pressing issues. Its success led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the introduction of several key environmental laws, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act. 

The Importance of Earth Day

The importance of Earth Day

The importance of Earth Day lies in its ability to direct people’s attention to the pressing issues facing our planet, while inspiring action at all levels. This important day serves as a reminder of the need to protect our environment and create a more sustainable future, every day. It provides an opportunity for individuals, businesses, and governments to unify and work towards this common goal.

Environmental Issues Today

Environmental issues today

You might be wondering what we mean when we refer to ‘common goal’ and ‘pressing issues.’ Listed below are some of the issues that Earth Day seeks to bring awareness to:

  • Climate change: caused by the release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere, which trap heat and increase the planet’s temperature. This can lead to more frequent and destructive weather events, sea levels rising, and other impacts that damage the planet.
  • Pollution: of air, water, and soil continues to be a significant environmental issue, affecting the health of humans, and that of the ecosystem. Some of the sources that contribute most to pollution are transportation, industrial activity, and agriculture.
  • Loss of biodiversity: as human activity continues to take its toll on nature, we are seeing a rapid decline in biodiversity. This loss of various species has far-reaching impacts on multiple ecosystems and can even go so far as to threaten large groups of life, including ours. 
  • Deforestation: the clearing of forests for human use is a major contributor to climate change. This impacts us because trees absorb and store carbon dioxide, and it also impacts countless other species because it results in the loss of their habitats.
  • Waste management: the waste management practices used today aren’t always adequate, and can therefore lead to pollution, health problems, and other negative impacts.

Celebrating Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day

Although we should do our best every day to make a change, here are some ideas of activities you can get involved in on Earth Day:

  • Help clean up your neighbourhood – do some research and get involved with an organisation that organises large clean-up events. 
  • Add some trees or plants to your garden – not only will they absorb more carbon dioxide, but they will add that extra bit of aesthetic appeal.
  • Start a food garden – growing your own fruits and vegetables will not only reduce your carbon footprint, but it will also save you money and provide fresh, delicious food.
  • Learn how to make a change – whether it’s doing some research on something like Global Recycling Day, or learning about easy ways to go green at home, there are many books to be read and documentaries to be watched. 


As civilisation continues to progress and advance into the future, it’s important to always hold the core beliefs of a day such as Earth Day at the forefront of everything we do. Head to the Earth Day website to learn more about this observance which holds so much value. 
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