How To Clean A Laptop Screen

The next time you spot a couple of fingerprints on your laptop screen, or the build-up of dust from the sunlight breaking through your window at the perfect height, don’t make cleaning it a job for later. Most of us are guilty of going weeks or months without cleaning our laptop screens, but the truth is it doesn’t have to be a difficult job. 

In this article, we’ll look at the best ways to clean your laptop screen and why it’s important to do so. Once you’ve figured out which method suits your laptop best, get to work and restore your laptop to a brand new look. 

Know The Difference Between Laptop Screens

One of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to laptop upkeep is thinking all screens are the same, and therefore assuming that any cleaning method will work well for theirs. Knowing the difference between laptop screens can help you keep yours in the best condition possible. Let’s take a look at the two most commonly found laptop screens nowadays and how to clean them.

How To Clean an LCD Laptop Screen

If you have an LCD screen, you’ll need to be more careful when cleaning it to avoid damaging the LED elements. There are the products you should avoid using to clean an LCD screen:

  • Cleaning products with ammonia in them – these will leave a film on the screen.
  • A mixture of soap and water.

Your best bet is to go for LCD cleaners that don’t contain alcohol, ammonia, or acetone. If you’d prefer to use a homemade cleaning product, then mix vinegar and distilled water for a great cleaning solution. Follow these 5 steps to clean an LCD screen effectively:

  1. Turn off your laptop and unplug it if need be.
  2. Use a dry microfiber cloth to wipe dust off the screen.
  3. Spray your chosen LCD cleaning solution onto a different microfiber cloth and wipe the screen thoroughly.
  4. Allow the screen to air dry.
  5. Once dry, give the screen a last wipe down with a dust-free, dry area of a microfiber cloth.

How To Clean A Glass-Coated (Non-LCD) Laptop Screen

Non-LCD screens are easier to clean because there are more products available to do so. Be sure to avoid using bleach and rather go for products like 70% isopropyl alcohol, pre-moistened alcohol wipes, or disinfectant wipes. Use these 5 easy steps to get your non-LCD laptop screen dust and fingerprint free again:

  1. Turn off your laptop and unplug it if need be.
  2. Use a dry microfiber cloth to wipe dust off the screen.
  3. Use your chosen cleaning product to clean the screen thoroughly. 
NB If you choose to use the isopropyl alcohol, make sure to spray it onto a cloth 
  1. Allow the screen to air dry.
  2. Once dry, give the screen a last wipe down with a dust-free, dry area of a microfiber cloth.

Other Ways To Clean A Laptop Screen

There are a couple of other cleaning methods you can use if you aren’t able to find the products listed for those above. Here are alternative ways to make sure your laptop screen gets a good clean:

  • Use a brand new sponge or microfiber cloth with a few droplets of water sprinkled onto it and clean the screen using circular motions. Make sure there is only a small amount of water on your chosen cleaning tool to avoid any traces of water. Finish off by wiping the screen down with a dry microfiber cloth.
  • The next two methods are for glass-coated screens only
  1. Spray a small amount of a glass & hard-surface cleaning product onto a microfiber cloth and wipe your screen using a circular motion. Use a clean, dry area of a microfiber cloth to finish it off with a shine. 
  2. Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto a microfiber cloth and wipe your screen in circular motions for a great result. Finish it off with a wipe-down using a clean, dry area of a microfiber cloth.

Tips To Keep Your Laptop Clean

Here are a couple of helpful tips to keep your laptop in pristine condition and save you from having to clean it often:

  • Place a thin microfiber cloth on your keyboard whenever you close your laptop screen. These types of cloths are generally sold in tech shops where laptops are sold. They’re great at preventing dirt from the keyboard transferring onto the screen.
  • Keep your laptop stored away in a bag whenever you aren’t using it. This will save it from attracting and accumulating a buildup of dust. 

Now that you’re more clued up on laptops and the care they need, there’s no reason why you should neglect the tool that is so important in many of our day-to-day lives. Share these tips and methods with those you know who are notorious for having fingerprints on their laptop screens. 

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