9 Natural Ways and Remedies to Keep Garden Pests Away

Gardening and outdoor maintenance is about more than just planting and nurturing; the battle against garden pests is a often a challenge for green thumbs too. While chemical solutions are available, embracing natural remedies is not only environmentally friendly but also fosters a healthier ecosystem. 

This article explores a variety of natural techniques and products that can help you keep garden pests at bay, all while nurturing a thriving and vibrant garden.

9 Ways to Naturally Keep Garden Pests at Bay

1. Neem Oil Spray

Neem oil is a natural insecticide that disrupts the life cycle of many garden pests. Mix neem oil with water and a few drops of dish soap, then spray it on your plants. This concoction not only repels pests but also prevents them from breeding.

2. Companion Planting

Certain plants naturally repel pests due to their strong scent or properties. Consider planting marigolds, garlic, or chrysanthemums near your vulnerable plants to discourage pests from settling in.

3. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth, made from fossilised aquatic organisms, is a natural and safe pest repellent. Sprinkle it around your plants to create a barrier that pests can’t cross.

4. Vinegar Spray

A mixture of water and vinegar can deter many pests, including aphids and ants. Spray it on your plants, but be cautious, as excessive use may harm certain plants.

5. Coffee Grounds

Used coffee grounds are a natural pest repellent and also provide nutrients to the soil. Sprinkle them around your plants to discourage pests and promote healthy growth.

6. Eggshell Barrier

Crushed eggshells create a physical barrier that prevents pests like slugs and snails from reaching your plants. Scatter them around the base of your plants to deter these critters.

7. Attract Beneficial Insects

Encouraging natural predators like ladybugs, lacewings, and praying mantises can help control garden pests. Plant flowers that attract these insects, such as daisies and yarrow.

8. Intercropping

Mixing different plants within close proximity can confuse pests and disrupt their feeding habits. This technique makes it harder for pests to locate their preferred hosts.

9. Essential Oil Repellents

Certain essential oils, such as peppermint, lavender, and rosemary, aren’t only beneficial when used inside your home, but in the garden too. They have strong scents that pests dislike. Dilute them with water and use them as a spray around your garden.


By incorporating these natural remedies into your gardening routine, you can strike a balance between nurturing your plants and protecting them from unwanted pests. 

And as you invest your time in creating a flourishing garden, remember that SweepSouth is the best platform to book vetted indoor and outdoor SweepStars who can assist in keeping your home and garden tidy, allowing you to focus on the joy of sustainable gardening. Book a SweepSouth cleaning service to find out why we’re SA’s favourite and most trusted home services provider.

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