Our Hearts Go Out To Everyone In SA

A message from our CEO & Co-Founder, Aisha Pandor:

As SweepSouth, we would like to express our deep appreciation for the manner in which South Africans have come together to support each other in the face of this unrest that has shaken the nation.

While we strongly support the right to peaceful protest and the building of a more inclusive economy, the events of the past week have put the lives and livelihoods of our most vulnerable citizens at risk. Our sincere condolences go out to the families of those who have lost their lives and we wish a swift recovery to others who have been affected.

SweepStars and other domestic workers form a crucial part of our economy, supporting, four or more dependants on average. In light of everything our people have faced over the last year, and more recently over the past few days, we recognise our work, and the positive role that technology can play, as even more crucial a tool in the fight to end inequality and give equal opportunity to the millions of men and women who would like to earn for their families, and provide a better future for their children. We call for employers to please continue supporting their workers during this time, and to reach out to help where they can.

The SweepSouth team will play our part by being a trusted source of information to help workers stay safe, by raising our own funds to support those who have been affected, by continuing to help drive employment and decent pay in our industry, and by supporting and promoting partners who are helping businesses, cities and communities to rebuild. Following this, we all need to proceed with open, and constructive dialogue, to address the structural issues highlighted, and find ways to work together to build a better South Africa for all who live in it.

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