Quick and Easy Spring Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms

As a busy working mom, spring cleaning can feel overwhelming. Between managing work responsibilities, taking care of the kids, and trying to find some time for yourself, fitting in a thorough spring clean can seem impossible. However, spring cleaning doesn’t have to be an all-day event. With a few quick and easy spring cleaning tips for busy moms – so that you can refresh your home without sacrificing too much of your precious time.

Here are Quick and Easy Spring Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms

1. Focus on One Room at a Time

Rather than trying to clean your entire house in one day, break it down by focusing on one room at a time. For someone who has limited free time, this approach allows her to clean in smaller, more manageable chunks.

How to Do It: Pick one room to focus on for the day—perhaps the kitchen, where most of the family’s daily activities take place, or the living room, where the kids play and the family gathers. Set a timer for 30 minutes and clean as much as you can within that time frame. This method helps prevent burnout and ensures that you make progress without feeling overwhelmed.

Pro Tip: Involve the kids! Turn cleaning into a game by assigning them small, age-appropriate tasks. This not only helps you get more done but also teaches them responsibility.

2. Declutter as You Go

Clutter builds up quickly in a busy household, and spring is the perfect time to tackle it. For Theresa, decluttering doesn’t need to be a major event—by adopting a “declutter as you go” mindset, she can make a significant difference without spending hours sorting through things.

How to Do It: Whenever you clean a room, take a few minutes to sort through items that are no longer needed. For example, while tidying up the kids’ toys in the living room, set aside any toys they’ve outgrown to donate. When cleaning the bathroom, get rid of expired products. Little by little, you’ll eliminate unnecessary clutter and free up valuable space.

Pro Tip: Keep a donation box in a central location. As you come across items you no longer need, place them in the box. Once it’s full, donate the contents.

3. Tackle the High-Traffic Areas First

In a busy household, certain areas get more use (and dirt) than others. To maximise your cleaning efforts, prioritise these high-traffic areas, such as the kitchen, bathroom, and entryway.

How to Do It: Start by deep cleaning the most-used areas in your home. For the kitchen, focus on wiping down countertops, cabinets, and appliances. In the bathroom, scrub the tub, sink, and toilet, and don’t forget to clean the floor. A quick clean in the entryway—sweeping, mopping, and organising shoes and coats—will help make the entire house feel cleaner.

Pro Tip: Keep a cleaning caddy stocked with all your supplies, so you can quickly grab what you need without hunting for products.

4. Use Multitasking Cleaning Products

If you’re a busy mom that doesn’t have time to use a different cleaning product for every surface. Instead,  you can save time by using multitasking cleaning products that work on multiple surfaces, like an all-purpose cleaner that can be used in the kitchen, bathroom, and living areas.

How to Do It: Choose products that are effective yet safe for kids and pets. Many eco-friendly cleaners are great for multitasking and are free from harsh chemicals, making them safer for use in a family home.

Pro Tip: Keep a stash of cleaning wipes in each high-traffic area so you can quickly wipe down surfaces when you’re pressed for time.

5. Speed Up Laundry Time

Laundry is a never-ending task in a busy household, but spring cleaning is the perfect time to streamline the process. Organising the laundry routine can save valuable time during your day.

How to Do It: Create a laundry schedule where each family member has an assigned laundry day. For example, one child’s laundry can be done on Mondays, while the others are done on Wednesdays. This helps prevent laundry from piling up and makes the process feel more manageable.

Pro Tip: Invest in mesh laundry bags for delicate items, and teach the kids how to sort their own clothes to lighten your load.

6. Tackle Windows and Light Fixtures

Natural light can do wonders for a home, but dirty windows can make everything feel dingy. Spring is the perfect time to clean your windows and light fixtures, which can brighten up your entire space.

How to Do It: This task can be done quickly and efficiently. Start by wiping down window sills and cleaning the glass with a streak-free cleaner. Don’t forget to dust and clean any light fixtures, as these can accumulate dust and grime over time.

Pro Tip: Use a microfiber cloth for windows and light fixtures to prevent streaks and leave a sparkling finish.

7. Refresh Bedding and Upholstery

Spring is the perfect time to freshen up the fabrics in your home, from bedding to upholstery. This is a quick and easy way to give your home a springtime refresh without spending too much time on each task.

How to Do It: Wash all the bedding, including comforters and pillows. If possible, take your upholstery covers off for a quick wash as well. For non-washable fabrics, use a fabric spray to neutralise odours and freshen up the material.

Pro Tip: Use the time while the laundry is running to tackle other small cleaning tasks. This multitasking approach will help you get more done in less time.

8. Don’t Forget the Floors

Floors in a busy home take a lot of wear and tear. If you don’t have time to mop every day, spring cleaning is the perfect time to give the floors a deep clean.

How to Do It: Vacuum carpets and rugs, and mop hard floors to remove any winter dirt or grime that’s accumulated. Consider renting a carpet cleaner or hiring a professional service for a deeper clean, especially if you have young kids who spend a lot of time playing on the floor.

Pro Tip: For a quick clean during the week, keep a cordless vacuum handy for spot cleaning in between deep cleans.

9. Maintain a Spring Cleaning Routine

Once the initial spring cleaning is done, maintaining a regular cleaning schedule will help keep your home tidy throughout the season. Setting aside small chunks of time throughout the week for tidying up will help prevent bigger messes from accumulating.

How to Do It: Create a weekly cleaning schedule that fits into your routine. For example, Mondays can be for tidying the kitchen, Wednesdays for cleaning the bathroom, and Saturdays for vacuuming and mopping the floors.

Pro Tip: Involve the entire family in maintaining the home—assign small, age-appropriate tasks to the kids to make cleaning a family activity.


Spring cleaning is more than just tidying up—it’s about creating a clean, comfortable environment where you and your family can thrive. For busy moms, taking the time to refresh your home, even in small increments, can help reduce stress and make everyday life a little easier. These quick and easy tips are designed to fit into your busy schedule and help you enjoy the benefits of a clean and organised home without feeling overwhelmed.


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