Crucial Safety Tips for School Commuting

As another school year begins, it’s important to prioritise the safety of our children during their daily commute to and from school. Whether they walk, cycle, take the bus, or use public transport, there are crucial safety tips that both parents and children should be aware of. By following these guidelines, we can help ensure a safe journey for our young ones.

In this article, we will discuss various aspects of school commuting and the potential hazards that can arise, while providing crucial safety tips to ensure your kids get to and from school safe and sound.

School Commuting

1. Walking to School

For many children, walking to school is a common mode of transportation. However, it’s important to teach them some basic safety rules to minimise the risks associated with pedestrian commuting:

  • Always use designated crosswalks and pedestrian crossings.
  • Obey traffic signals and wait for the green light before crossing.
  • Make eye contact with drivers to ensure they have seen you.
  • Stay on the pavement and avoid walking on the road.
  • Avoid distractions, such as using mobile phones or listening to music.

2. Cycling Safety Tips

Cycling is a popular choice for many students, especially for those who start going back to school in the higher grades. However, cyclists need to take extra precautions to stay safe on the roads:

  • Wear a well-fitting helmet and protective gear.
  • Obey traffic laws and signals.
  • Use hand signals to indicate turns.
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic.
  • Make yourself visible by wearing bright clothing and using lights at night.

3. Taking the Bus

Many students rely on the school bus as their primary mode of transportation. While buses are generally safe, it’s important to follow these tips:

  • Wait for the bus in a designated area and avoid playing near the road.
  • Once on the bus, find a seat quickly and remain seated.
  • Do not distract the driver or engage in any disruptive behaviours.
  • Follow the rules and regulations set by the school and the bus driver.

4. Public Transport

Older students who use public transport should be vigilant in ensuring their own safety:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts.
  • Wait for public transport in well-lit and populated areas.
  • Keep personal belongings secure and be cautious of pickpockets.
  • Plan your route in advance and be aware of any schedule changes.

School Commute Hazards

1. Driveways

Driveways can be a hazardous area for children, especially when vehicles are entering or exiting. To prevent accidents:

  • Teach children to never play or stand behind parked cars.
  • Make sure drivers check their surroundings carefully before backing out.
  • Consider installing a fence or gate to separate the driveway from play areas.
  • Always supervise younger children when near driveways.

2. Road Construction

Construction zones can introduce additional risks for school commuters. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Obey all temporary signs and traffic control measures.
  • Stay alert and be prepared for changes in road conditions.
  • Follow detour signs and alternate routes, if necessary.
  • Be patient and avoid rushing through construction zones.

3. Weather Conditions

Inclement weather can significantly impact the safety of school commuting. Here are some tips for different weather conditions:

  • In rainy weather, wear bright, waterproof clothing and use an umbrella.
  • During windy conditions, be cautious of falling tree branches or debris.
  • In winter, dress warmly and wear appropriate footwear for icy conditions.
  • In extreme heat, stay hydrated and seek shade when waiting for transport.

4. Speeding Cars

Excessive speed poses a significant danger to school commuters. To address this hazard:

  • Report any recurring speeding incidents to local law enforcement.
  • Promote awareness campaigns within the community to address speeding concerns.
  • Encourage parents to organise walking groups and share a safer route to school.
  • Advocate for the implementation of traffic calming measures near school zones.


Ensuring the safety of our children during their school commute is of utmost importance. By following the crucial safety tips discussed in this article, we can minimise the risks associated with school commuting and create a safer environment for everyone. Remember, it’s the collective responsibility of parents, educational institutions, and communities to prioritise the safety of our young ones.

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