Signs it’s time to hire a SweepStar

2020 is fast coming to an end, and it’s no doubt that this whirlwind of a year has thrown some challenges our way. After being thrown into months of social isolation, we’ve had to figure out how to work from home, we’ve attempted to keep ourselves sane with at-home workouts, baked loaf after loaf of banana bread and some of us have had the added challenge of home-schooling. It’s been a different kind of year, and I’m sure you, as many of us are, ready for the year-end break. With life returning to somewhat of a normal pace in level one, it’s safe to say that you deserve it. 

But with all that has been going on, it can be difficult to keep your home and work space clean and tidy, on top of all the other demands coming your way at this time of year. If you’re undecided whether to keep doing the cleaning yourself, or make use of a professional home cleaner, we’ve got the top signs to look out for that will make it clear it’s time to invest in a SweepStar.

You can never get on top of it all

Life has almost returned to normal, and if the demands of family and work life have become chaotic as the year draws to a close, cleaning can become a never-ending task that seems only to grow. If you regularly walk past your growing pile of ironing that you never seem to get a moment to start, often forget when last the oven had a clean or noticed a dust ball (or two) floating along when the kids moved the couch to make space for their weekend games, it’s a sign you need some help managing it all.

You’re hosting the festivities but can’t bear the thought of all the hard work

Have you volunteered your home for all the festivities in the excitement that social gatherings are now allowed, but suddenly realised you’ll have all the food and drinks to sort out as well getting your home tidy and respectable? While it’s a great thought knowing that your family can be together during the holiday period, sometimes we place greater expectations on ourselves than we can manage. Don’t let the role of host get you down, if you’ve got a lot to get done, it’s well worth getting the help you need.

You’re moving house

A new start, in a new home is an exciting time. You’re moving into a fresh space, and perhaps a bigger one if your family is growing. But moving house, particularly during your annual leave can also be stressful. From boxing up everything in your old home, to organising everything in the new home, it’s easier than you think for these tasks to consume all your time. If you’re struggling to figure out when there will be time to get both properties clean, or you’re already in the process of moving and you’re drowning in boxes and bubble wrap, it’s time for some help.

Your priorities are elsewhere

Sometimes, time isn’t a factor. At certain moments, you may have a free hour to get stuck into cleaning the floors, spring cleaning the home or getting the pile of ironing down to an acceptable size, but you have other priorities more important to you. Maybe you’ve become a brand new parent, and you’re focusing all your energy on settling into life with your baby. Perhaps you’ve taken some much needed leave and you want to spend all your free time recharging and doing things that help you relax. It’s okay to know that your priorities lie elsewhere, and that cleaning your home isn’t right at the top of the list. If you know you need your free time for other activities, it’s time to consider reliable help in the home.

Often the year-end rush gets us so focused on just getting through the last couple of months, and we forget to stop and consider how we can make adjustments to make life a little easier. Whether your days have become too busy, you’re playing host and have lots to organise, or you’re ready for a spring clean that you know you can’t handle alone, a professional home cleaning service can make the world of difference.

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