What Do I Need To Know About Couch Cleaning?

Couches are often seen as the heart of a living room or lounge. Whether it’s for a relaxed reading session, a much-needed afternoon nap, or to binge-watch a Netflix series, they get used very often. As such, couches are bound to get dirty over time. Cleaning your couches is a task that should be done regularly for a number of important reasons.

If you want to start taking care of your couches more often, but aren’t sure where to start, we’ve got the answers and cleaning tips you’ve been searching for. Put your mind at ease with our couch cleaning information and make the most informed decision possible so that you can relax on a spotless and crumb-free couch. 

How Much Does It Cost To Get Couches Cleaned? 

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The price of getting your couch or any other upholstery cleaned will depend on the number of furniture items requiring cleaning and the type of material getting cleaned. Different types of upholstery require different cleaning products and methods for the best possible clean. Make sure to hire a trusted and experienced company to take care of your couch cleaning services so that your favourite upholstery doesn’t end up damaged due to negligence. 

At SweepSouth, we offer vacuuming of couches as part of our home cleaning services. SweepStars will also be able to do basic cleaning of stains with the cleaning products provided by you, if requested.  

Is Professional Couch Cleaning Worth It? 

Professional couch cleaning

Over time, couches and other items of furniture start to gather unwanted elements such as dirt, food crumbs, and sweat. Getting your couches professionally cleaned will make for a healthier living environment and a feeling of comfort that can be enjoyed without the worry of allergens causing harm. On top of the health benefits, you can also look forward to an increased lifespan of your couches, which will save you money in the long run from having to buy new ones more often. Plus you’ll be able to enjoy a better aesthetic experience for a touch of joy in your home.

What Do Professionals Use To Clean Couches?

Cleaning couches professionally

Some of the most common techniques that are used to clean couches as efficiently as possible are steam-heat/hot water extraction, carbonation cleaning, chemical cleaning, foam cleaning, and dry cleaning. A summary of each of these processes is given below:

  • Steam-heat or hot water extraction: A machine is used to inject hot water and cleaning products into the upholstery to release deep dirt. The water is then extracted to remove the dirt.
  • Carbonation cleaning: This is a super-heated, low-moisture process using bubbles. It also involves hot water, but in a different way from hot water extraction. The bubbles explode the dirt from deep within the couch fibres when the carbonation is released. Once the dirt is lifted up, equipment is used to extract it and the moisture from the couch.
  • Chemical cleaning: Steam-heat or water extraction is also included in this couch-cleaning process. The fabric is doused with a chemical disinfectant before steam or water is used to extract the dirt and chemical solution.
  • Foam cleaning: Instead of water or steam, foam is used in combination with cleaning solvents to lift and extract dirt from couches.
  • Dry cleaning: The name of this process derives from the fact that the dry cleaning products used don’t contain water. Dry cleaning doesn’t need to be done by a professional couch-cleaning company. You can simply buy a dry cleaning product in-store or online and follow the instructions on the label. Learn how to clean a couch the right way if you want to do it yourself.


Before tackling any couch cleaning methods on your own, remember that SweepSouth offers the best basic couch cleaning services included in your entire home clean. Share this post with others who are also looking to prolong the lifespan of their couches and create a healthier living space.

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