Celebrating Nelson Mandela Day

Known far and wide all around the world, the name Nelson Mandela resonates with characteristics such as leadership, kindness, and a willingness to serve. Mr. Mandela was a father, husband, and president, but before any other title, he saw himself as a servant. He fought tirelessly for what he believed in to inspire and create change within the Rainbow Nation, and all around the world. 

That’s exactly what Mandela Day is about, change. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to lend a helping hand to those who need it most so that 67 minutes of change can transpire into hours, days, and months going forward. We at SweepSouth love the challenge of stepping out of our comfort zones and giving back to impoverished communities. If you’re not sure how to spend your 67 minutes this Mandela Day, we’ve listed some ideas below. Take inspiration from our acts of kindness and those around you, and make someone’s day this Mandela Day. 

Giving With Food 

  • Head down to your local shop to buy a loaf of bread or two with some other ingredients to make sandwiches. Offer them to the people along the streets or drop them off at a homeless shelter. 
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen and strike up a conversation or two while you’re at it. You never know what you could learn.
  • Donate food to your local animal shelter and help fill the stomachs of the furry friends we love and adore so much.

Building For The Future 

  • Planting trees and food trees help to build on something we don’t often think about, the air we breathe. Not only does it help the natural environment, but it also feeds the hungry in years to come. 
  • Spend time helping with the building of a new classroom at an underprivileged school in your area. The building that you do today will create opportunities for school kids tomorrow. 
  • Become an organ donor or donate blood. Your good deeds could help save a life and give them a future they may not have had. 

Sharing Your Time

  • Give of your time at a children’s home or an old age home. The 67 minutes or longer that you spend with someone could make their whole week. Help with homework, chores, or anything else they may need. 
  • For an act of kindness that’s closer to home, spend time with a friend or family member helping them with whatever they need. Whether it’s physical or emotional, your support is always appreciated. 
  • Use your time to learn a new skill that could be beneficial in the future. Once you’ve learned a new skill, you could always pass it on to others during next year’s Mandela Day, or any other day of the year. 

The SweepSouth Promise 

While we love to share ideas, we at SweepSouth also feel that we must do our part in giving and sharing on Nelson Mandela Day. Here are some of the causes we have been a part of in prior years and continue to act upon. 

  • The ‘Make A Day, Change A Life’ campaign is about driving awareness and igniting change in the life of a different domestic worker every month. Unfortunately, we realise that many domestic workers are not able to afford even the simplest things in life, for themselves or their children, so our goal is to change that narrative for one person every month. 
  • The SweepSouth team has rallied together in previous years to start our own soup kitchen that fed as many hungry mouths as possible. We also went through our cupboards to find any clothing we don’t wear anymore and donated it to those who would put it to good use. 
  • To help the female leaders of tomorrow, SweepSouth donated a generous amount of sanitary pads to Silikamva High School, meaning they weren’t forced to use unhygienic alternatives or miss school. 

In the words of Nelson Mandela, “There can be no greater gift than that of giving one’s time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return.” Go out this Mandela Day and give of your time and yourself, you never know whose life you might be changing 

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