Celebrating SweepStars: The Women Who Take Care of Our Homes – Edition 1

For the month of May, we celebrated Mother’s Day in a special way by honouring the incredible women who help take care of our homes. We asked our customers to nominate their SweepStars and share stories celebrating their exceptional dedication. The responses we received were not just heartwarming—they were truly inspiring. Here are a few tributes from our customers.

Tributes to SweepStars From Our Customers:

Mirriam Mupfukura

“Mirriam is extremely helpful and goes beyond what I request. She takes what she learns at other homes and effortlessly implements it at my home. She never complains, and is always smiling. She is a mom of two daughters and she manages to raise her daughters alone with no help. She’s a true blessing to me. I trust her in my home. Thank you, Mirriam!” – S.Jeptha

If you’d like Mirriam to take care of your home, check out her profile here.

Linda Moloi

“Linda has become a very crucial part of our new little family. She does not only come to us to assist with keeping the house spotless but also has become a mother who gives sound advice and always goes the extra mile to ensure that we are okay. We are so grateful for having Mama Linda in our lives and cannot imagine life without her. The cherry on top is the jokes that Linda makes that always brighten our day! Although my husband and I have our mothers, we have gained another mother through Linda and SweepSouth. She is knowledgeable, kind, and always goes the extra mile for us. Happy Mother’s Day Mama Linda! :)” – T.Mafoso

If you’d like Linda to take care of your home, check out her profile here.

Kudzai Audry Javangwe

“Primarily, she exemplifies the role of a devoted mother to her extraordinary son. Her unwavering commitment to prioritising his needs and ensuring his well-being is unparalleled. Regardless of the challenges she faces, her positive outlook remains steadfast. Without a doubt, she embodies the essence of deserving recognition and pampering this Mother’s Day.” – C.Wardle

If you’d like Kudzai to take care of your home, check out her profile here.

Enia Jegede

“Enia is a working mom with her children far away in Zimbabwe. She is an inspirational woman who works very hard all year long to provide for her kids back home and to only see them for a short while when she has the opportunity to visit them. When Enia is in our home she treats our daughter and puppy as if they are her own. She laughs at their antics and she speaks to them with all the love and gentleness that only a mother could. Having Enia in our home enables me to be a more available mother, wife, and employee which in turn brings me immense joy.” – C.Walker

If you’d like Enia to take care of your home, check out her profile here.

Nominate your SweepStars today!

This month, let’s take a moment to appreciate and celebrate the extraordinary women like Mirriam, Linda, Kudzai, and Enia, who not only maintain our homes but also nurture their own families with unwavering strength and love. 

Want to nominate your SweepStar? Fill out this nomination form and join us in celebrating the amazing women who make our lives better every day.


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