COVID-19: How We Are Preparing SweepStars, Clients And Employees

In light of the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and the recent announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa, we would like to keep you informed on the steps we have taken and continue to take to help protect the safety of our clients, the SweepStars, as well as our staff members.

Here are the actions we have put in place thus far:


As of last week, we have sent out extensive communications through our own platforms, to inform SweepStars about the precautionary measures they need to start putting in place when attending a booking at a client’s home. This includes:

  • To beware of symptoms such as coughing and a sore throat, fever, sneezing and a runny nose. Should SweepStars have any of these symptoms, we have made them aware of the toll-free Coronavirus Outbreak hotline that they would have to contact.
  • Should SweepStars come into contact with someone that has the above-mentioned symptoms, they would need to steer clear and advise them to contact the toll-free hotline.
  • We have provided SweepStars with ways to protect themselves, by providing tips on best practice, to sanitise and wash their hands for 20 seconds frequently, to cover their mouths should they cough or sneeze, and lastly food items that they would need to avoid.
  • Tips on the best ways to disinfect a client’s home by wiping down frequently touched surfaces, and making use of disinfectants.
    Informing SweepStars on how they can make home-made disinfectants, should a client not have, by providing quick and easy recipes.

As developments become available, we are continuously keeping SweepStars updated through our communication platforms.

As a result of the potential impact that Covid-19 virus may have on the economic security of the SweepStars, SweepSouth is spearheading a partnership between ourselves, private and governmental institutions, to jointly contribute towards a pool of funds that will be made available to affected SweepStars who are unable to earn a basic income due to this global pandemic (as declared by the WHO). The sole purpose of these funds will be to reduce the financial burden that the pandemic will most certainly bring about for some of the economically most vulnerable members of our society (due to self-isolation or positive test results). Helping each other navigate this will require a group effort, and in line with this we will also be asking customers who cancel due to self-isolation to consider still contributing towards bookings wherever possible, in order to assist SweepStars’ potential loss of income


We have asked our clients to be mindful of their health as well as their SweepStar’s. Should a client feel ill, we have advised them to self-isolate and cancel their booking and to inform us should they find that their SweepStar is ill, by contacting our Support Team immediately to ensure we can assist the SweepStar in this regard.

For clients that wish to cancel their bookings, we have put measures in place to allow clients to contribute funds. Clients will be able to contribute R150 or R300 per cancelled booking. We are asking everyone to assist SweepStars where they can. We are conscious that many of these women and men rely on this income to put food on the table for their entire families.

In cases where a client is still able to have their bookings take place, we have suggested that clients reschedule their bookings or create their booking to start and end during non-peak hours so that SweepStars are able to avoid crowded public transport and areas.


The purpose of this policy for SweepSouth staff members is to ensure that we maintain a safe working environment, we aid in assisting with the prevention of the spreading of the illness and to serve as a plan in the event of a breakout of the COVID-19 virus.

  • Preventative measures put in place for the office:
    We will work towards instituting ​work from home from Wednesday 18th March​ (​*except for those who have symptoms or who have travelled recently – if this is the case staff are advised to work from home from Monday, 16 March 2020.
  • All meetings are to be done via GoogleHangouts or Zoom video, not in meeting rooms
  • All external meetings are to be cancelled (in person) and rather conducted via Zoom or Google Hangouts
  • External visitors will not be allowed into the office
  • All doors (where possible) are to be left open to prevent having to touch them to open or close them
  • Hand sanitisers and hand wipes have been put in all around the office for staff to make use of through the day.
  • Cleaning around the office has been intensified and so have the cleaning products. Bins will be emptied more regularly and the desks will be wiped with disinfectant more regularly

If any staff member does not feel well or are experiencing any of the symptoms, we have advised our staff to not come into the office and instead Self Isolate and work from home. We have also put together a management task response team that can be contacted should a staff member be uncertain of anything.

This is a defining moment for South Africa, and we need to show solidarity and kindness, work together, and share reliable information during this crucial time. It is important that, as we battle this pandemic, we maintain the humanity and compassion that makes South Africa the great nation it is. Thank you in advance for playing your part.

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