10 Ways To Celebrate The First Day Of Spring

With the 1st of September around the corner, you may be wondering just how to spend the first day of Spring this year. Whether you’re planning on celebrating the way many cultures have done so in the past, or you want to welcome it in your own way, there is no right or wrong way to celebrate the first day of this blooming season. Spring doesn’t just mean spring cleaning, although that is a modern part of the new season. People have celebrated spring for many centuries, as it’s always represented new beginnings and transformations in our lifestyles. For those particularly on holidays, it’s even more of a reason to celebrate. To help you figure out how you should celebrate the first day of spring, check out these ideas for inspiration. 

1. Eat And Drink Outdoors

Enjoy your leisure time outdoors as much as possible. Even if you’re still wearing a couple of layers in case it’s chilly outside, start making the most out of your time in the sun, because before you know it summer will have passed and autumn will be here again. Pack your favourite snacks and find yourself a nice patch of grass or find a beer garden or rooftop bar to spend an afternoon at.

2. Cook A Seasonal Meal

Pick up some fresh-in-season produce and recipes to match, you may want to look at recipes online. Then, with your seasonal ingredients and spring in mind, serve up some goodness in your kitchen. It’s a delicious way to celebrate the season from the comfort of your own home. Invite some of your loved ones to enjoy your spring meal with you. 

3. Switch Up Your Wardrobe With Spring Trends

While it’s still a little early to be sporting shorts, that doesn’t mean you can’t get into spring mode with your clothing selection in your cupboards. Pack away the winter layers and replace them with your spring trends.

4. Get Active Outdoors

Take a break from the indoor gym and get active outdoors. The fresh air will put that extra bit of spring energy in your stride. Now is the best time with the best weather to take up for an early run. Enjoy the crisp and cool skies before the summer heat takes over. 

5. Take A Hike

For even more outdoor activities, get outside and explore the wilderness, or at least a national game park. Get lost in nature, without getting lost, and see the changing season up close.

6. Visit A Local Farm Or Sanctuary

The ultimate way to welcome spring is to take a mini-road trip to a nearby farm or sanctuary. Not only will it be a sweet escape from the city, but you’ll also be able to enjoy the overload of cuteness from newborn animal babies.

7. Get Started On Spring Cleaning

If you haven’t started already, today is the perfect day to start your spring cleaning. The earlier you declutter and organise, the more free you will be once the warm days become longer and there’s more reason not to be inside. The further into spring you get, the more inconvenient it will be to have to spend the weekend taking care of the tasks you’ve laid off for all this time. Get spring cleaning and free up some physical and mental space in your home now. Better yet, have a professional cleaning services company like SweepSouth take care of it for you. 

8. Enjoy Your Favourite Cold Beverage

During the winter months, you may not have been able to enjoy your favourite cool beverage since the summer prior. Now on the first day of spring, you can enjoy your favourite glass of wine or cold cocktail, so invite your friends and family over and toast to spring, to celebrate the warmer days ahead.

9. Plan A Summer Vacation

Now that it’s officially spring, you’ve got sunnier and warmer days ahead. What better time to plan your summer holidays than now? The warmer temperature will spark a reaction that gets you in the mood for sunny summer days with the sand between your toes. Indulge your craving with a bit of planning – research your dream destination and find the best holiday deals now. 

10. Draw Spring

What does spring look like to you? It depends on which part of South Africa you live in, but some of the things commonly seen in spring are flowers blooming and baby birds chirping from the trees. Why not draw or sketch some to signify the first day of spring? This is especially fun for younger children. Gather some plain white paper and markers, teach them how to draw their favourite flowers, or look for a tutorial on Youtube.

When we think of birds in the springtime, Robins often come to mind. For the older kids, challenge them to draw a more realistic Robin bird or flower. It’s simple.

We hope that you have more of an idea of how to spend the first day of spring this 1st of September. There are hundreds more ideas out there that you can choose from to welcome springtime in – think out of the box!

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